Penta Penguin was a secret character in the original Crash Team Racing, and makes his return in CTR Nitro-Fueled, unlockable with the very same Cheat Code of the original game.
To unlock Penta Penguin in CTR Nitro-Fueled, at the Main Menu hold L1+R1, and press Down Right Triangle Down Left Triangle Up.
In the PS1 title, Penta was in an unfinished state, with maxed out stats and missing voice lines. For CTR Nitro-Fueled, Penta now has some lines to speak, and his stats have been tuned to make sure he fits the balance of the game.
He is classified as a Advanced character, with Speed being his best stat, and his home track is Blizzard Bluff.
- Character Role Cheat Code
- Gender Male
- How To Unlock Cheat Code: At the Main Menu, hold L1+R1, and press Down, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Triangle, Up
- Original Game Crash Team Racing
- Class Speed
- Skill Level Advanced
- Alignment Good
- Invincibility Mask Aku Aku, Uka Uka
Character Statistics
Speed7 / 7
Acceleration3 / 7
Turn2 / 7
- Kart Body Classic - White
- Skins Variations
- Penta Blue Jay
- Penta Canary
- Penta Parrot
- Penta Ninja [L]
- Home Track Blizzard Bluff
- Notes Penta Penguin is a secret character that can be unlocked via cheat code. He is the only character in the game to use both masks (Aku Aku & Uka Uka), making his alignment unclear.
Coming soon.