Here are some basic CSGO Train Smokes 64 tick in 2022 that can help you get started.
Learning smoke lineups is one of the critical elements to improving your CSGO knowledge. Perfectly thrown smoke grenades not only block the vision of the enemy team but also zone them your to allow you and your teammates to push safely.
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Read more in this article to learn about the CSGO Train 64 tick in 2022.
CSGO Train Smokes 64 Tick in 2022 – Basic Smokes That Everyone Should Know
#6 Connector form T Sprawn – Easy
Easy to throw and can be thrown at the start of the round to make pushing A easier. You first need to jump on the container and then stand in the position shown below.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
You need to aim corner of the building above you. It is better to throw it slightly to the left because overshooting it to the right might create a gap for the CTs.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
#5 Olof From T Spawn – Medium
Intermediate smoke, watch out for main push when throwing it. It's useful when going to A site from main as it blocks CT's vision from IV perfectly. Here is where you need to stand.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
Aim at the corner of the roof above you. Make sure to be very precise when throwing it as it is easy to make it land in the wrong position.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
#4 Left Side IV From Pigeons – Easy
Easy to throw, requires control over the alley position. It's useful when pushing IV and capturing A site, as it covers you from CT tunnels. Here is where you need to stand.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
You need to place your crosshair at the position shown below. Go straight and throw the smoke as you cross the yellow line.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
#3 IV From Pop Dog – Easy
Easy to throw, requires control over pop dog. You need to stand in the position shown below.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
You need to aim below the window as shown below. It is necessary to break the glass before throwing the smoke.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
#2 Connector From Pop Dog – Medium
Requires practice to hit consistently, useful when capturing A site. You need to stand in the position shown below.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
To align this smoke you need to aim roughly at the bottom of the center bar of the window, as shown below. Remember to brake the glass before throwing the smoke.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
#1 Main From Old Bomb Site – Easy
Quite easy to align and useful for the CT's when covering A Site. You need to stand in the corner shown below.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
To align your crosshair use the following lineup.
Screenshot: Games Atlas
CSGO Train Smokes 64 Tick in 2022 Summary
Presented above CSGO Train Smokes 64 tick in 2022 are only the simple ones that should immediately boost your skill potential. I recommend trying to come up with some other lineups by yourself as they may be easier to remember for some people.
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