Here is CSGO smoke practice commands list that will help you improve your game knowledge and become even better. Learning smoke lineups is one of the critical elements to improving your CSGO knowledge.
Perfectly thrown smoke grenades not only block the vision of the enemy team but also zone them your to allow you and your teammates to push safely. It's important to practice throwing smokes on a daily basis.
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Read more in this article to learn about the CSGO Smoke Practice Commands List.
CSGO Smoke Practice Commands List – Basic Commands With Explanations
Server Configuration
Credit: Games Atlas
- sv_cheats 1 - gives the client permission to execute all the commands
- mp_limitteams 0 - lets you be the only one on the server
- mp_autoteambalance 0 - disables team rebalance
- mp_freezetime 0 - disables freeze time at the beginning of the round
- mp_roundtime 60 - extends the round time
- mp_roundtime_defuse 60 - extends the round time on defuse game mode
- mp_roundtime_hostage 60 - extends the round time on hostage mode
- mp_maxmoney 99999 - sets money cap to absurdly high value
- mp_startmoney 99999 - gives you tons of money
- mp_buytime 9999 - extends buy time to allow using the shop at any time
- mp_buy_anywhere 1 - make it possible to use the shop from anywhere on the map
- ammo_grenade_limit_total 5 - make it possible to buy all 5 grenades at the same time
- sv_infinite_ammo 1 - unlimited ammunition
- bot_kick - kick all bots from the server
- mp_warmup_end - ends warmup at the beginning of the game
- bind alt "sv_cheats 1; noclip" - binds no clip to 'alt' that let you move quickly around the map
- mp_restartgame 1 - restarts the game with the new settings
Grenade Trajectory Commands
Credit: Games Atlas
- sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - shows trajectories of thrown grenades
- sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10 - extends the time when trajectories are shown
Bullet Impacts Commands
Credit: Games Atlas
- sv_showimpacts 1 - shows bullet impacts when shooting a gun
- sv_showimpacts_time 10 - extends the time when bullet impacts are shown
CSGO Smoke Practice Commands List Config File - Things You Need to Do
Downloading the Config File
Credit: Valve
First, you need to download the config file to your local hard drive. Alternatively, you can just type all the commands shown below into the text editor by yourself and save the file with the .cfg extension, but downloading the file is just faster. Here is the download link.
Installing .Cfg Files
To install the .cfg file you need to find the path to the config file folder. It should look something like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxx\730\local\cfg .
Where 'xxxxxx' is your Steam ID that can be found on your steam profile. After finding the folder, just copy practice.cfg file inside.
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Credit: Games Atlas
Enabling Developer Console and Running .Cfg Files
To be capable of running commands in-game you'll first need to enable the developer console. Head to the options and 'Enable Developer Console' option under the Game section as shown in the picture below. By default, it's set to 'no', change it to 'yes'.
Credit: Games Atlas
Starting Practice With Bots and Enabling Practice Config
First, start practice with the bots session. Once the game loads use a tilde key (`) to bring up the developer console. Type 'exec practice' in the command line and press enter as shown below. The game should restart and load all the necessary commands. At this point, you'll be able to practice freely at any time you want.
Credit: Games Atlas
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