Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a global phenomenon especially in the e-sports industry. One of the biggest FPS games out there, that almost everyone played at least for a while in their life. I gathered some of the essential CS GO Tips and Tricks for people just starting out with the game. The list is a compilation of some of the best tips and my personal experience playing the game by myself or/and with friends.

CS GO Tips and Tricks [Part 3]

#3. Listen to the Steps

One of the most important aspects of getting an advantage above your enemies is to listen to their footsteps and other sounds. You do not need the best 7.1 Headphones or any very expensive gadgets. It is important to play around with Audio settings in the menu of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and adjust the settings to your preferences. Make sure to always use your headphones instead of speakers because it is very important to listen to your environment. It is harder on the maps like Nuke or Vertigo where there are a lot of verticalities and some sounds might be tricky to point to the exact enemy's position.

#2. Do NOT Always Spend Your Money

The economy is an important part of the game and it is good to know when to buy the full equipment when to go eco [low economy, which means either not buying anything or just a pistol and armor vest]. You can often just look at your teammates when you are having trouble assessing if it is worth spending money this round. The beauty of the game is that you play for 1-3 minutes and then another round starts. There is not much to lose if you made a single mistake. Some weapons are much cheaper than the others but offer less versatility in the ways you can play with them, and others can be very expensive but provide a one-shot sniper rifle like AWP. You will learn the prices the longer you play.

#1. Do NOT Play for Too Long

In any game or activity, it is important to not overdo it and take breaks to restart your mind. After playing various single-player and multiplayer games over the past decade I can definitely say that it matters more than you would have thought. At times you can spend several hours playing the game in a row, but you will notice that your performance gets better after the first 30 - 60 minutes, but after a couple of hours it will drop off and your best solution to that is to just take a break, take a nap, go to sleep or meditate. A clear mind has a huge impact on our performance and it is scientifically proven that meditation will increase your reflexes and your reaction time. You can easily find yourself getting better performance in the morning, due to your organism being rested and relaxed.

If you would be interested in more CS Go tips and tricks like that let me know down in the comment section. In the meantime check out other Games Atlas articles right here.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is out now on PC.

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