Some updates are brought by and along with that, we bring you everything about RPG Call of Duty Mobile.
As Season 10 of Call of Duty: Mobile approaches, so will a slew of new content and enhancements. With the release of the new content, the elite passes and the events will also be made available.
READ MORE: Call Of Duty: Mobile
The "Kill 3 Enemies with any RPG in MP Matches" assignment in Call of Duty Mobile is one of the game's most challenging side quests, but players may follow this guide to do it.
RPG Call of Duty Mobile – What's All About?
Credits: Infinity Ward
The RPG, known as the "usrpg" within files, is a rocket launcher available in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty Online.
The RPG has a sling wrapped around it, a different rear sight, and a rocket than the RPG-7, giving it a somewhat distinct look. The RPG has a history of being imprecise, much as in previous games, and practice is needed to maintain a pretty accurate launch, but even under the usage of a skilled user of this weapon, even a mid-range shot is difficult to complete.
The RPG stores two rockets in contrast to the SMAW, providing a second shot comparable to the SMAW's single-launching rocket. Additionally, the SMAW can latch onto opponent Scorestreaks and is more precise than the RPG.
However, they both suffer from the same damage, therefore any aircraft will be destroyed by a single RPG strike. In conclusion, even though the RPG is more challenging to employ than the other launchers, it may still be effective against both vehicles and troops.
The RPG appears in Call of Duty Online. In Survival Mode, it can be equipped as a secondary weapon.
Now it uses a telescopic sight as an aiming system (similar to the Panzerfaust from Call of Duty: Ghosts).
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Credits: Infinity Ward
RPG Call of Duty Mobile – Kill 3 Enemies with any RPG in MP Matches
The most recent patch added a new mission to the game called "Kill 3 Enemies with any RPG in MP Matches". In this mission, players are required to make kills with a weapon class known as an RPG. The following is the procedure that players may use:
- Go to Loadout and click on Melee/Pistol option
- Select a launcher and pick out any one of the available options.
- Set this loadout as an active one and enter an MP match.
- While playing the match, use the launcher(RPG) to get three kills.
Players will be able to finish the quest and get tokens after carrying out these few easy actions. These tokens may be used later on to unlock a variety of in-game goods as well as cosmetic skins to customize your character.
Did you complete the new mission with RPG Call of Duty Mobile? Feel free to share your experience below!
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