![The Best Champions in Patch 11.15 [LOL Patch Notes 11.15] - Guides & News The Best Champions in Patch 11.15 [LOL Patch Notes 11.15] - Guides & News](/images/jch-optimize/ng/images_league-of-legends_patch-notes-11.15.webp)
In the beginning, I need to highlight that this will not be the full Patch Notes with all the changes, but only the most important aspects. I will also predict some of the best champions in Patch 11.15 here, including the most significant item and champion changes. For the full LOL Patch Notes check out this official Riot Games post.
If you want to learn my thoughts on the best champions in Patch 11.15 then check out the rest of the article below.
LOL Patch Notes 11.15
I will list the best champions in Patch 11.15 of League of Legends based on changes and my personal opinion. They will be grouped by role, and I will try to include only 2-3 champions per position.
These changes went live at night between the 20th and 21st of July 2021. When you are reading this, all of the changes are applied to your game.
New Champion!
- Akshan
- Rumble
All Champion Buffs:
- Blitzcrank
- Caitlyn
- Cassiopeia
- Kennen
- Morderkaiser
- Nidalee
- Rell
- Shyvana
- Syndra
- Xayah
All Champion Nerfs:
- Gwen
- Annie
- Wukong
- Viego
- Kayle
- Sylas
- Irelia
- Aurelion Sol
- Thresh
Other Changes:
- Several Bugfixes and Quality of Life Changes
- One item buff in LOL Patch 11.15
- New Skins: Sentinel Graves, Sentinel Pyke, Sentinel Rengar, Ruined Miss Fortune, Unbound Thresh, Cyber Pop Akshan
Credit: Riot Games
The Best Champions in Patch 11.15
Top Lane:
Tahm Kench has been strong ever since his mini rework. Now he's getting some balance changes but I do not think this will stop him. He became a real lane bully and an unkillable frog machine.
Illaoi was scheduled to receive some buffs a while ago, but with the changes to her core items, they were postponed to the future patch. She is a very strong champion already, especially with Divine Sunderer, and now she can spam her abilities even more with the buff to her mana growth from 40 per level to 50 per level. Be scared of her. Really. Especially now that she gets yet another buff with 10 Movement Speed. It is a bigger buff than it seems.
He is already a very strong duelist, and buffs to his W only make him stronger. He will dominate the top lane, especially in the lower ELO. He has a lot of build diversity with some focused on more AP approach when others tend to focus on healing and self peeling, and there are also tank variations of his builds. Overall a very good pick.
Shyvana is often a very overlooked and underrated champion. Some time ago players started to play more and more of AP Shyvana instead of the usual bruiser build. Now Riot Games is buffing her AP kit even more with better scaling on her Q. Her other skills had tremendous success on AP Builds especially her empowered E on her Ultimate Ability that could one-shot squishy targets easily.
With the jungle changes coming in this patch, we might see a lot more AD Junglers that struggled over the last few months. Rammus is a perfect counter to those picks, and with Turbo Chemtank, he can be an amazing engage machine, that reflects damage to the attackers.
Mid Lane:
On-Hit Irelias Is making her way up the tier list, with Immortal Shieldbow as her first item, complimented by either Blade of The Ruined King or Wit’s End. With the cost reduction of Rageblade, her third item rush will be even faster, and Irelia might dominate squishy champions in the mid-lane.
Seraphine is usually an underrated pick as a carry and often played as support. It was proven however several times that she can handle herself as an AP Carry at either mid lane or bot lane. Giving her more damage on her Q might make her a meta pick for the mid-lane. She is already a strong champion with her high sustain and CC chains.
Bot Lane:
Another champion that might make use of On-Hit builds. We saw buffs to Wit’s End in the last patch, and right now Rageblade gets its cost reduced by 200 gold which is much more than it looks. It might make Vayne a top-tier pick once more on the bot lane, especially against more tanky team compositions.
Ezreal is one of my all-time favorite picks, and with the buffs for Divine Sunderer and Frozen Heart, his win rate is rising in all ranks. He is a very safe pick, with a lot of damage in his kit, especially with the huge amount of Ability Haste. He can spam his abilities left and right. In addition, mythic passive for Divine Sunderer has a great synergy with Ezreal's abilities, with both physical and magic scaling. He can greatly benefit from magic penetration and armor penetration.
Blitzcrank is a very good pick for picking up isolated enemies or engaging in a winning team fight. He got a lot of damage buffs to his Q and a better Ability Power scaling which could make him solo some AD Carrys in the midgame if played properly. It is often a nightmare for an ADC to be killed by support but it is more common than ever these days and these buffs to Blitzcrank could end up making him an ADC picking machine.
Taric is usually underrated and this patch might bring some light onto him. His Q and E will now cost less mana which might help a lot with his laning phase. Properly utilizing Taric's passive ability makes that you often spam Q and run out of mana quickly. These changes might help with that, so you can build Frozen Heart and skip often bought tear.
LOL Patch 11.15 Summary
We got quite a lot of changes and adjustments to the champions, with an additional one item buff. However, the biggest change of the patch is the addition of Anshan, the newest champion in the League of Legends Champion Roster. He is said to be an assassin, but I can also see him as an AD Carry. These were The Best Champions in Patch 11.15 in my opinion.
League of Legends is out now on PC.
For some beginner tips about Sekiro check out this article.