Is Batman Dead in Gotham Knights? After the conclusion of the Arkham trilogy in 2015 and showing the death of The Dark Knight in Batman Arkham Knight many fans find themselves asking this exact question.

Gotham Knights is definitely not what many gamers expected from the next Batman game.

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Gotham Knights is definitely not what many gamers expected from the next Batman game. Read more about Batman's demise below!

The Death of Batman in Arkham Knight

The video below shows us a short clip with the new protagonists carrying on the mantle of protecting the City of Gotham, but none of them is Batman himself.

Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, suddenly died leaving the Bat Family, heroes The Dark Knight specifically has chosen to be crime fighters, in charge to protect the streets and citizens of Gotham City. 

Gotham Knights are based on the premise that if Batman died, the extended Bat-family will be united in an effort to carry on the legacy of Bruce Wayne as they face the villainous faction that is the Court of Owls. But that interesting plot premise gives rise to more questions than answers, and to that end – we can’t help but ask, Is Batman Dead in Gotham Knights?

Batman Dead in Gotham Knights

Credits: WB Games

Is Batman Dead in Gotham Knights? – Facts and What We Know

According to the developers over at WB Montreal, answering the question – Is Batman dead in Gotham Knights?Is simple and their statement is taken as fact. During a fan Q&A session at San Diego Comic-Con, creative director Patrick Redding confirmed that Batman is dead and will remain dead all the way through the game’s entirety. 

In addition to this, he also confirmed that his archnemesis of The Dark Knight – The Joker wouldn’t be a part of the game as well – though it isn’t confirmed whether he is alive or dead at the moment.

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So is Batman Dead in Gotham Knights? – Our Predictions

First there's the fact that this might be a classic case of mismarketing. A Batman game without Batman sounds interesting, but it's happened several times that developers have intentionally misled the audience in order to surprise fans with a shocking twist.

One of the most recent examples of such marketing is The Last of Us Part 2. Before the game's release, Naughty Dog even showed alternate scenes with Joel that wouldn't appear in the final game - to make the character's death even harsher with an element of surprise.

There is always the possibility that this was a faked death by our Caped Crusader, and it would not be the first time he had done so during his decades-long career as a vigilante. In the comics, Batman has faked his death several times before - for example, when he lost a fight to Superman.

By faking his own death, Batman was able to buy some time to go underground and build an entire army to defeat the Man of Steel. According to Gotham Knights’ story, Batman supposedly died during a freak accident in the Batcave that led to him destroying the entire facility along with himself.

We are aware of the fact that Batman even faked his own death at the end of Batman:  Arkham Knight. After having his identity revealed at the hands of Scarecrow, Batman had to activate the Knightfall protocol wherein he destroys Wayne Manor with himself and Alfred apparently inside to make a show for the journalists surrounding the house.

As such, it’s possible that Batman has once again faked his death to accomplish a greater purpose.

Batman Dead in Gotham Knights

Credits: WB Games

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Summary of Batman's Death in Arkham Franchise

These are all fan theories and speculations based on our limited knowledge of the game, and as for the end result, we will have to go with what WB Montreal said about Gotham Knights for now. That Batman is dead and will remain dead throughout the story and will not make an appearance in any form.

Still, it seems very possible that we will learn more about his disappearance, either during the course of the story or through hidden collectibles and fragments of knowledge scattered throughout the city.

That one of the most well-known characters in DC is not part of this adventure feels like a downer at first, but it's also a blessing in disguise. After all, we spent a long time in the Arkham series playing the role of Batman.

Sure, there were sections where players could take on the role of Catwoman or Robin or even Harley Quinn - but those were few and far between. With Gotham Knights, however, players can take full advantage of these characters' strengths and abilities as they set out to defeat Gotham's League of Criminals and continue Batman's legacy as a team of misfits.

Batman Dead in Gotham Knights

Credits: WB Games

What is Your opinion on this topic? Lack of Batman will show more unique characteristics of each companion of The Dark Knight while they will continue on his legacy? Will and how they will be able to replace Caped Crusader on his mission of protecting Gotham City and the rest of the world? Let us know!

For more articles and information on upcoming releases and updates in DC's extended game, universe make sure to stay tuned to Games Atlas and keep on looking for The Bat Signal at the darkest night!


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