Here are three things we need in Callisto Protocol, an upcoming horror game that acts as a spiritual successor to the Dead Space franchise, which is set to release in less than two months.
The game, developed by Striking Distance Studios, takes place in the year 2320 in an isolated penitentiary known as Black Iron Prison, on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto.
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Players will take control of Jacob Lee, an inmate at the facility, who is forced to escape the prison as chaos ensues and other inmates begin transforming into horrifyingly deformed monsters. With the game’s release quickly approaching, here are three things we’re hopeful to see in the highly anticipated title.
Three Things We Need in Callisto Protocol
#3 A Well-Stocked Arsenal
Credit: Striking Distance Studios
The original Dead Space had several memorable weapons, including the Plasma Cutter and the PFM-100 flamethrower, but overall, not including downloadable content, the title only launched with about six weapons available to use throughout the story.
We’re hoping The Callisto Protocol will have a wider range of tools available to help fend off the hordes of monsters that will be thrown our way.
That being said, the game is about survival, so ammunition will likely be scarce, and the developers have confirmed melee combat will be a more-than-useful way to defeat enemies as the player makes their way through the prison.
And, while the number of weapons that will be featured in the game has yet to be announced, players will also be able to get their hands on a futuristic stun baton and a gravity-bending gun that’s similar to the iconic tool from the Half-Life series.
Additionally, we know the game will also be filled with many different environmental hazards, from various switches and traps, that can be used to help put your enemies into the ground once and for all.
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#2 Mass Dismemberment – Things We Need in Callisto Protocol
If there’s anything, gamers remember about Dead Space, it’s the violent dismemberment of Necromorphs that the title frequently encouraged. And with similar-looking creatures appearing in the several trailers for The Callisto Protocol, we’re hopeful we’ll be able to relive our time on the USG Ishimura and potentially, go even further.
From the trailers released so far, we know dismemberment will play a big part in combat throughout the game, and at one point, we see the player down a monster by shooting it in the leg. This doesn’t stop it, however, as it proceeds to quickly crawl after the player in a horrifying fashion.
These moments helped to form Dead Space into the classic horror title it’s known as, and we’re hoping moments like these will be an integral and constant piece seen and taken advantage of throughout The Callisto Protocol.
#1 Hardcore Difficulty
The Callisto Protocol has been confirmed to include the classic tiered difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, and Hard. These options are great, especially for beginner players and those who are more experienced.
However, we’re hoping for some sort of fourth difficulty level, in the form of a Hardcore or Veteran mode. Games like The Callisto Protocol really lend themselves to being the perfect titles to include such a difficulty setting, as it allows the best of the best players to truly challenge themselves.
We’d like to see some sort of setting only be playable to those who’ve already beaten the game on Hard mode, and have it feature more dangerous enemies, much less ammunition, and force the player to truly struggle to survive in such an already dangerous world.
While these are just a few of the things we need in Callisto Protocol, ultimately, we’re just excited to get back into an immersive world that provides some heart-pounding jump-out-of-your-seat moments, and if it’s anything like its predecessor, it looks like we’ll be in for a treat.
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