Nahida is a Dendro 5-star bow character that was released in the 3.2 patch of Genshin Impact, along with Sumeru. She is a Support character that works beautifully in all Dendro team comps, by affecting enemies with Dendro in a large AoE. The materials she requires are below:
The Puppet Strings is earned through defeating the weekly boss Scaramouche, giving 2 or 3 each time at higher levels, while the Quelled Creeper required for levelling is obtained from the Dendro Hypostasis located in Sumeru. The Fungal Spores used to level Nahida and her talents and are dropped by Fungi which can be found throughout Sumeru. Ensure that the Fungi are not affected by Pyro or Electro when defeating them to get the right materials! Her talent books required are Philosophies of Ingenuity, which can be obtained in the Steeple of Ignorance Domain. She uses Kalpalata Lotus as her levelling material.
This article will introduce you to the weapons and artifacts to use on Nahida and the party setup you can use with her. I will include options for free-to-play players as well. As someone with Nahida, I am very pleased with the wide variety of teams I can use with her and have been using her consistently in Spiral Abyss.
Nahida Weapons
Nahida works best with Elemental Mastery sub-stat weapons. If possible, I would recommend using a 5-star weapon (A Thousand Floating Dreams). Otherwise, you can also use the F2P weapon Mappa Mare for its EM sub-stat. Although some might recommend CRIT weapons such as Kagura's Verity or The Widsith, but I generally prefer an EM build to help boost other characters' damage. You can use the weapons below:
The A Thousand Floating Dreams catalyst is the best option for Nahida, but might not be very attainable for F2P players. It is her BIS and has an EM sub-stat. Party members other than the equipping character will provide the equipping character with buffs based on whether their Elemental Type is the same as the latter or not. If their Elemental Types are the same, increase Elemental Mastery by 32. If not, increase the equipping character's DMG Bonus from their Elemental Type by 10%. Each of the aforementioned effects can have up to 3 stacks. Additionally, all nearby party members other than the equipping character will have their Elemental Mastery increased by 40. Multiple such effects from multiple such weapons can stack.
Alternatively, you can use Sacrificial Fragments which also has an EM sub-stat. After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD, which can only occur once every 30s. This has a higher EM stat than the Mappa Mare, but the passive is not as useful as the Mappa Mare.
Lastly, you can use the F2P-friendly Mappa Mare. It has an EM sub-stat and its passive triggering an Elemental reaction grants an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10s, with a maximum of 2 stacks.
Nahida Artifacts
Nahida should use a 4-set of Deepwood Memories. The Deepwood set increases Dendro DMG Bonus by 15% for its 2-set. The 4-set decreases the target's Dendro RES by 30% for 8s after an Elemental Skill or Burst hits opponents. The Deepwood Memories set can be obtained from the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment Domain.
The stats and sub-stats that you should prioritise are as below:
- Flower sub-stats: EM, ER%, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate
- Feather sub-stats: EM, ER%, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate
- Watch stat: EM
- Goblet stat: EM
- Mask stat: EM
Having some ER% is good to keep her Ultimate up, but her energy cost for her Ultimate is quite low (50), so it should not be a problem to use it quickly after swapping her back into combat. You can build up to 1000 EM, as it grants Bonus DMG per each additional point of EM and boosts EM of other characters. Any more than 1000 EM is unnecessary as it will no longer stack.
Nahida Talents
The best order to upgrade your talents is below.
All Schemes to Know > Illusory Heart > Akara
Party Setup
With Nahida as a Support, you should use characters of varied elements, to trigger Dendro reactions like Bloom/Hyperbloom/Aggravate. I typically use Nahida to trigger Aggravate/Quicken with my Electro team comp, or as a Support for Al-Haitham.
An example of my team comp (shown above), has Al-Haitham as Main DPS. The 4-set of Deepwood Memories on Nahida help to decrease Dendro RES, which in turn increases Al-Haitham's damage. Xingqiu acts as a Support here to shield Al-Haitham and trigger Hyperbloom. Kuki Shinobu is a healer with a 4 piece of Tenacity of the Millelith to increase ATK by 20% and to trigger Dendro reactions. You can swap Al-Haitham out for Cyno if you're looking for an Aggravate team or Nilou for a Hyperbloom team.
Overall, Nahida is a top-tier Support character that can be used in many Aggravate/Hyperbloom team comps. She can be built using a Main-DPS build as well, if you prefer, but the EM build is still my preference.
We hope that you have found this article helpful! For more information on Yelan, you can check out my Yelan build article here. To learn how to build Al-Haitham, you can refer to my article here. To find out how to build Tighnari, you can refer to my build here. Do look out for more Genshin guides from me and let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!