The Battle Pass Gnostic Hymn is undoubtedly one of the most value-for-money options if you would like to cash on Genshin Impact. This guide will introduce the specific sub-stats for each weapon and give recommendations on which weapon to get, which characters to use the weapons and what alternative weapons there are for each weapon type.
Though the weapons from the battle pass are all 4 star, they will allow you to deal greater damage as all of them have the sub-stat of CRIT Rate which increases with each weapon level. All examples listed below (in the pictures) show the statistics for full refinement.
Black Sword
The Black Sword is practically made for Keqing and is particularly useful in high levels of the Spiral Abyss due to the healing effect. However, this weapon can be used for any Main DPS sword character due to the large increase in damage dealt. Utility/healing characters such as Jean and Qiqi will benefit from other swords (with sub-stats that are focused on ATK, as they heal by ATK) more than the black sword, due to the sub-stat of CRIT Rate which should be used on a Main DPS character.
Otherwise, the F2P friendly option would be the craftable Prototype Rancour which has great potential as it increases ATK through Physical DMG Bonus as well.
Serpent Spine
Serpent spine is a high-risk high-reward weapon and is ideal for Main DPS characters such as Razor and Diluc. Due to the reduction in stacks when characters take damage, characters that provide shields should be used along with your Main DPS equipped with Serpent Spine. For example, you can use Zhongli or Xinyan with your Main DPS character such that they can retain the maximum of 5 stacks.
Additionally, enemies that can give greater AoE damage such as ruin guards or mitachurls when they spin could be difficult to counter with such a weapon. Using this weapon is highly dependent on your gameplay style, if you prefer a weapon that is less "risky" or find dodging more difficult due to playing on mobile, you would be better off using the Prototype Archaic (previously known as the Prototype Aminus) which is craftable and hence more F2P friendly.
The deathmatch is a great weapon for a Sub DPS character such as Zhongli when he is used mainly for his meteorite ultimate, which allows him to deal more damage due to the extremely high CRIT Rate. This weapon can be paired with a CRIT Damage main-stat artifact to allow for greater damage. Personally, I use this weapon on Zhongli and I have been very satisfied with the high CRIT Rate.
For Main DPS characters such as Xiao who will be released with the Lantern Rite Event, the Deathmatch is ideal as well. The F2P friendly craftable options are unfortunately not as good as the Deathmatch. Alternatively, you can purchase the Blackcliff Pole CRIT Damage Sub-stat weapon from the store.
Solar Pearl
The Solar Pearl practically screams Ningguang due to the large increase in Elemental Skill and Burst DMG which allows for her ultimate to do more damage. This is a great option for Klee as well since both of them deal more Elemental DMG. If you would like a good weapon and are F2P, you can use the craftable Mappa Mare instead, due to the Elemental DMG Bonus.
This weapon should not be used by Utility characters such as Sucrose and Barbara, and you should use the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers instead due to the ATK increase stat that can boost your damage done by your Main DPS characters. Since this catalyst weapon is 3 star, it is rather easy to obtain and hence can be refined to level 5.
However, if you would like to build a team around Ningguang and Klee, I would definitely recommend the Solar Pearl.
Viridescent Hunt
The Viridescent Hunt is particularly useful for Tartaglia due to the Cyclone which helps for his melee attack style. If you plan to build your team around Tartaglia, I would say that this is a great choice for him even though there are definitely other weapon options. For one, you could use Rust (if you prefer to use him for normal shots) or you could use The Stringless (if you prefer to use him for charged shots).
In terms of using this weapon for other characters, I would say that Fischl could benefit more from The Stringless instead. I am still rather unclear about Ganyu's specific skills so I cannot say much about her using this weapon as of now.
Purchasing the Battle Pass
Personally, I feel that the Battle Pass helps with getting more pulls due to the 680 primogems from completing the BP and the extra intertwined fates. As someone who saves up to pull specific 5 star characters, the BP makes it more achievable. Additionally, the BP talent books and character level up materials have helped me greatly. As such, I would definitely recommend purchasing the BP to get the weapon and extra benefits if you would like!
Hope this guide has helped you to decide what weapons to get from the Battle Pass, but do remember that you should get what weapon fits your playing style best and do bear in mind each characters' role in your party setup. From there, it will be easier to pick the right weapon to fit your character's role. Do let us know if you would like to see more of such weapon-oriented articles and look out for more Genshin Impact guides in the future!