In this article, you will find Call of Duty MW2 Alone Safe Codes.
The whole mission has a semi-open area where you need to survive and complete the objectives.
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Now without further ado, let's jump into the meat of this article which are MW2 Alone Safe Codes.
Call of Duty MW2 Alone Safe Codes
MW2 Alone Safe Codes – Second Floor
After disarming the shotgun trap you need to go up the stairs and inside the room with the balcony, you need to go to the left. You will need to make a Pry Tool by combining Binding with Metal in order to craft one. When you open the white door there will be a safe inside it.
Once you are inside the safe is locked and the combination to open that safe can be deciphered by the calendar inside the same room. After careful consideration, you can deduce the safe code itself.
Inside the safe you will find a pistol and a throwing knife, they might come in very handy later on.
Credit: Activision Blizzard
MW2 Alone Safe Codes – Mechanic's Shop
The second safe is located very near. All you need to do is drop down to the ground floor and turn left to the mechanic's shop. You will find another safe in the back room and all you need to do is scan the laptop.
On the screen, you will see the combination needed to open the safe.
Inside the safe, you can find another throwing knife and a crossbow. Use your rewards to gain an advantage over your enemies!
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