Low Profile is a Co-Op Special Ops mission available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022).
Infiltrate a town in the dead of night to uncover intel and evidence left behind by Al Qatala before exfiltrating. Stealth is key to survival.
- Release Game Launch
- Mission Number 1
- Rewards Base Operator: Gromsko
Low Profile Mission Objectives Stars
Here is how to obtain stars in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops mission Low Profile:
- 1 Star: Complete Low Profile
- 2 Stars: Complete Low Profile in under 25:00 minutes
- 3 Stars: Complete Low Profile in under 15:00 minutes
Daily Challenges for Additional Stars: Additional Special Ops Stars are earned through the Daily Challenge system, specifically by completing the third Daily Challenge and the fourth Bonus Challenge within this mode.
Low Profile Mission Walkthrough
Achievement / Trophy Warning: To earn the "Going Dark" achievement you need to complete the mission without triggering any alarms.
How to Complete Low Profile in Modern Warfare 2 (2022)
Low Profile is the first Special Ops mission in the game. First, you need to fly down to the extraction zone. Press X on PlayStation to deploy the Parachute. Your goal is to secure three items inside the zones on the map. You might fight your way through, but you may want to be stealthy in order to survive.
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There is zone A, B, and C. There are enemies all around, and watch out for the Claymore mines spread on the map. It is dark so make sure to use your night vision goggles. You can put them on by pressing right on the d-pad in PlayStation.
You need to clear houses from all the enemies inside. There is no particular order you need to complete the objectives, but make sure to be quick because the faster you complete the Low Profile mission, the better rating you will get.
For the fastest route, you might want to land on C and grab the first radioactive object from the roof of the building near the antenna. Then run straight to B, and secure the package there inside a crate in the house.
You will always see where you need to go by the highlighted markers with letters on them and the distance that leads to them. You will also get a checkpoint after every single radioactive object is secured. The whole of site A is filled with mines and lasers so be careful where you put your feet.
The last objective is inside the building on A site, afterwards, you will need to evacuate from the mission area. there will be a location marked on your screen, it will be about 250 meters away. Just run there, and shoot the remaining enemies.
When you reach the Exfil location you will need to wait for a while until it's safe to proceed with the extraction. Clear enemies running to you if there are any remaining and wait for the helicopter to land near your location.
Go on board the chopper and wait for the evacuation to complete thus ending the Low Profile mission.
For more coverage on missions like Low Profile make sure to stay tuned to Games Atlas!
- El Sin Nombre – Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022) Mission Guide
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- Denied Area – Modern Warfare 2 (2022) Special Ops Mission Guide