Do you want to know what is the max level in Tiny Tina Wonderlands? Look no further, we will briefly explain what is the maximum level you can get on your character.
We will also dive into Chaos Levels and tell you how many of those there are, and there are a lot of Chaos Levels in Tiny Tina Wonderlands.
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Now without further ado, let's dive right into the article!
What is the Max Level in Tiny Tina Wonderlands?
Overall you can have the Max Level in Tiny Tina Wonderlands of 40. However, you will gain more skill points, because every couple of levels you get more than one skill point.
Summing up you will have 44 skill points to distribute towards two skill trees, your primary one and a secondary one. In addition to that, you will also gain Hero Points.
Skill points for leveling up can be used to select skills. Some require one and some require five skill points to be maxed out, and you also have capstones at the end of every tree, very powerful, game-changing skills.
Hero points are used to upgrade attributes like Constitution, Intelligence, Strength, etc. These impact various things like spell cooldown rate for example.
Credit: Gearbox Software
Max Chaos Level in Tiny Tina Wonderlands
Chaos Levels are an end-game thing and on the launch of the game, there were only 20 Chaos Levels. However, as the updates went on the developers increased the maximum level to Chaos Level 100.
It means you have your character at level 40 and in addition to that, you can have Chaos Level 100 for the highest chance on some of the best loot in the game.