It does not matter if you are seasoned in the Monster Hunter saga or you arrive new, these tips and tricks are going to come in handy to destroy that monster that is resisting you or defend Kamura from its destiny.

Monster Hunter Rise Tips

Head Over to the Training Room and Perfect Your Play Style

From the game menu, through the hunter's guide, we can check the combos sequences of each weapon at all times, as well as the mobility techniques. However, it is in the training room where we can dominate the game.

In addition to offering a large vertical room with which to control the mobility of the hunter, the combos are shown to us on the screen, we will have a doll with which to experiment with combos, we will be informed of the damage, and we even have a wall with mobile targets.

To access the training room, we must go to the Buddy Plaza (east of Kamura) and enter the small boat to the left of the Argosy. However, it is possible to go to it directly from the game map.

Adjust the Control System and Menus to Your Liking and Without Fear

It is possible that you really like a weapon, but you are not comfortable with the way to use it. The solution? Just adjust the buttons and arrange them to your liking. You may be more interested in cutting with the triggers.

In fact, the same applies to shortcuts and content displayed in horizontal menus. You can even hide those that you never use. If you only play Monster Hunter Rise multiplayer locally, why have chat options in the middle?

Have a Flexible Routine Between Missions

Monster Hunter's action RPG style favours us having a series of fixed routines between mission and mission. The same thing is that each player finds the one that best suits their progress, of course, but there are aspects that are worth highlighting.

Some universal suggestions that we can give you are:

  • With each mission accomplished, upgrade your optional missions. You can have five active while you have played and they are easily completed.
  • Replenish the consumable items you use the most. From traps to potions or the most effective types of ammunition. You can create them with the materials you already have or purchase them.
  • Check out the progress of the Comrade Dojo and the Meowucenaries. Maybe it's time to send your little friends on new adventures.
  • Check out the Argosy's selection of special items. You can find really interesting merchandise.
  • Check out the weapon upgrade trees. Probably that missing piece to increase the damage and rarity of your favourite weapon will help you choose your next mission.

These are ideas that work in any situation. When you unlock the maxi melter you can also enter to do experiments with it from the store. However, the essential thing is that you accommodate a routine at your rate of progress.

Do You Need to Change Weapons While Hunting? Stop by the Tent

An essential tip that it never hurts to remember. Perhaps you have gotten too excited about debuting a new weapon or you have wanted to experiment and are not having good results in your hunt. In any case, you will not have to abandon the mission to change weapons.

In all hunting areas, near the starting area and in each camp, you will see a tent. When you enter it you will have access to your trunk, all your equipment and your complete arsenal. You can even change the equipment of your comrades. If you are downed too quickly, change your strategy.

Get New Buddies, Alternate the Ones You Already Have

When starting a new game of Monster Hunter Rise, we will be joined by a felyne comrade and a canyne comrade to whom we ourselves will give colour, details and names. However, throughout the game, we can recruit lots of them.

From the Buddy Plaza, we can hire new comrades, both felyne and canyne. The starting level will determine the price, but we can change the name and appearance later.

The interesting thing is that we can send the comrades that we are not using to carry out orders for the village and raise their levels automatically through the Dojo. It is more interesting for us to alternate between them.

Each comrade has a series of attributes that we can customize, and we can equip them with different weapons and equipment. So, in the long run, it is easier to change comrades than to change all the equipment that we carry with us.

In fact, our comrades will not continue to level up after level 20, so it is more advisable to advance the new ones and reserve the tanned ones for the more delicate missions.

Make Large Monsters Fight Each Other

Throughout Monster Hunter Rise you will get very powerful weapons, but if you want to witness devastating attacks against your target, your best weapon will be the rest of the great monsters.

As a general rule, when two great beasts coincide in the same area, what is called a territory dispute begins. Sometimes, we will have to contribute to that happening by guiding one of them or by enraging them. In any case, they will end up doing a lot of damage and dropping precious materials.

Last but not least, it is very common that when two large monsters collide, a wyvern mount can be performed. In that case, it will be enough to get closer, and we can take control of one of the two beasts and their attacks. A simple way to drastically reduce the health of our target.

Now, later on, we’re going to have even more tips on the amazing monster hunter rise so stayed tuned here at GamesAtlas.

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