How to Unlock All the Aspects for the Heart-Seeking Bow? In Hades, Supergiant Games' latest megahit and one of the most acclaimed roguelikes of the decade, players join Zagreus, the Prince of the underworld, and Hades' only son, in his journey to escape his father's domains and reach the surface.

But the Prince is not alone, as he counts on the help of his family and allies as he faces the dangers lurking as he continues his ascendance towards his destination and the answers that can change his life forever.

But Zagreus by himself is already a force not to be reckoned with, since he can make use of the legendary Infernal Arms in battle, each featuring up to 4 different aspects, which alter not only their looks, but also their abilities, boons, and playstyle.

With that said, we will now tell you how to unlock all the aspects of the Heart-Seeking Bow, and what they all do.

Hades: How to Unlock All the Aspects for the Heart-Seeking Bow

Aspect of Zagreus

zagreus aspect bow

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

The game's default Aspect, The Aspect of Zagreus can be unlocked by unlocking it in the Arsenal for one Chthonic Key

A great weapon for beginners, the weapon allows players to take a ranged approach to fight and deal high damage with the right boons. 

Aspect of Chiron

chiron aspect 1

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

For many, the best Aspect for the Heart-Seeking Bow, the Aspect of Chiron offers a really hand variant for the weapons, since its special fires a series of arrows that track the last enemy hit.

You can unlock the Aspect by spending 1 ounce of Titan Blood when in the Arsenal. The variant is only available after the Aspect of Zagreus has been unlocked. 

Aspect of Hera

hera aspect

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

The Aspect of Hera, used by the weapons original owner, Hera, the Queen of the Gods, offers a significant change when compared to the two previous ones, since it allows Zagreus to load its next attack with its charged blast, increasing its damage. 

The Aspect can be unlocked by spending 2 ounces of Titan Blood in the Arsenal

Aspect of Rama

rama aspect 1

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

Differently from the other aspects, to unlock the Aspect of Rama, players need to first reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu for the Ethereal Spear, spend at least 5 Titan Blood in non-Zagreus Bow Aspects, talk to Artemis with the bow equipped to unlock the phases: ''Hey, how'd you get your hands on a nice bow like that? You take good care of Coronacht for me, so I can try it too once you're up here.'' and "I see you drawn in the arms of the seventh avatar". 

After all that, you only need to unlock the weapon by spending 3 ounces of Titan Blood at the Arsenal

As all fourth Aspects, the Aspect of Hama changes the playstyle of the weapon significantly, giving it a new special ''Volley Fire', which releases 3 ricocheting arrows in parallel. The weapon is also capable of inflicting ''Shared Suffering'' on enemies, making them suffer a percentage of the damage suffered by other enemies. 

Hades is currently available for PC, on Steam, and in the Epic Games Store, on the Nintendo Switch, and from August 16, also on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. 

You can check out all of our guides and features related to the title here

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