Here it is, the speculation station once again, like every year before the biggest gaming party of the year. Short and simple, these are my 10 games that would shock the world and gaming industry at E3 2021, however, there is a very low chance of that happening due to various reasons. Here are my 10 unlikely E3 2021 Predictions.
I will also avoid naming games that will definitely 100% not appear on the event like Witcher 4, Dying Light 3, and some of these types of games.
E3 2021 Predictions
#10 Indiana Jones - Bethesda
Let’s kick off E3 2021 Predictions with Bethesda’s Indiana Jones. It was announced a few months ago, and it would be awesome to see some more of it or even gameplay. It is unlikely that this will happened due to the game being so early in development but never say never.
#9 Beyond Good and Evil 2
We have seen a lot of gameplay and trailer of Beyond Good and Evil 2 a couple of years ago. Back then it looked like an impossible game, and right now it feels the same after rewatching it. It looks like a game that will never be finished, and the longer we wait for more information, the less hope we have.
#8 New Splinter Cell Game
The new Splinter Cell game is long overdue. It is a great stealth series that should be coming constantly every couple of years, yet we have not seen one for a long, long time. We had some teases or easter eggs of Splinter Cell in other games as a DLC or a character, but a full-on stealth game would be dope.
#7 Star Wars Mandalorian Game
With the popularity of the TV Series Mandalorian, which is in my opinion one of the best Star Wars creations ever made, we could only hope for a game that would follow the hype of the Mandalorian. We know that several Star Wars games are currently in development, not only by EA but also from other developers so I will have my fingers crossed for this one.
#6 Dead Island 2
Ahh yes, a game that was announced before the dinosaurs were extinct. But all jokes aside, it had a rough development process, with the studio responsible for the game was changing every few months. Right now only have some confirmation that the game is still releasing in the future. Let’s hope it is all true, and the game has found its final developer in Sumo Digital.
#5 The Elder Scrolls 6
We saw a teaser of The Elder Scrolls 6 three years ago. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released almost 10 years ago. We are all anticipating the game to be awesome, and getting some updates or even gameplay this year would hype everyone up even more. That is why I included it in my E3 2021 Predictions.
Credit: Bethesda
#4 Final Fantasy VII Chapter 2
Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the greatest remakes in gaming history, period [double period?]. It only covered a small portion of the original, and with rumors being that it was the first part of a trilogy, it is only fair to be hyped for the second chapter in this amazing story.
#3 New Silent Hill Game
P.T. made a huge statement on the horror genre. It even impacted the current state of Resident Evil games. A New Silent Hill Game could bring horror games to its glory once more. It is a fairly popular genre, but not THE most popular one. I am a sucker for a good scare, and hopefully, we will see more of that amazing series in the future.
#2 GTA 6
After GTA V releases on every microwave and PlayStation 7, we can start getting the hype for GTA 6. Constantly releasing GTA V became a meme over the last few years, with the game coming out at the end of the PS3 generation, and now scheduled to release on the current PS5 / Xbox Series generation.
One way to shut down these memes is to finally reveal something about the upcoming GTA 6. We can pretty confidently assume that the game is already heavy in development, and we know that Rockstar takes its time into making its games better than average. Red Dead Redemption 2 is still one of my favorite games of all time. Come on Rockstar, beat it with GTA 6, I dare you!
#1 New IP From Naughty Dog
Finally, at number one in my E3 2021 Predictions is a brand new IP from Naughty Dog, the developers behind The Last Of Us and Uncharted series. Their games always deliver, and I am a huge sucker for a Naughty Dog…’s game. I love almost every character they create [cough Abby, cough], the worlds, the story.
They are magnificent in keeping player invested, and emotional during the gameplay, and even though I love both The Last of Us series, and Nathan Drake in Uncharted, I would love even more to see a brand new Naughty Dog game, with new characters, new ideas, new stories to tell, and a wide array of new emotions to feel.
Summing Up My E3 2021 Predictions
These are only the 10 games, that would make a huge deal, but there is also going to be a list of 10 games that are likely to be showcased on this year's E3. Stay tuned to Games Atlas for the next list, and other gaming stuff, and make it your home page for the latest in gaming!
E3 2021 is running from June 12th until June 15th.