The TR-76 Geist is a weapon featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022), it is one of the Assault Rifles available in the game.

The TR-76 Geist will be added to the game as part of the free content included in Season 6.

The design of the TR-76 Geist is based the real-life gun Malyuk.

Here you can find the main information about the weapon, the best TR-76 Geist loadout for the MW2 multiplayer and Warzone, and the complete Weapon Blueprints list for the TR-76 Geist available in COD Modern Warfare 2 and COD Warzone 2.

TR-76 Geist
A hard-hitting bullpup assault rifle chambered in 7.62 x 39 mm. Highly modular, this weapon system can be adapted to fit a wide range of tactics and combat scenarios


TR-76 Geist Weapon Info

  • Weapon Class Assault Rifles
  • Game Modern Warfare 2
  • Release Season 6
  • Weapon Type Primary Weapon
  • How To Unlock Reach and complete Sector F7 of the Season 6 Battle Pass
  • Based on (Real Life) Malyuk
  • Users Rating
    5 of 5 (1 Vote)
    • Rounds 30
    • Reserve 60

    TR-76 Geist Blueprints List in Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2:

    You can see the full list of all the blueprints for the TR-76 Geist released in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 via Store Bundles, Season Pass, or challenges.

    Click on a Blueprint to see their specific attachments and how to build them in the Gunsmith menu. Here are all the blueprints for the TR-76 Geist in MW2 and Warzone 2:

    List of Attachments Unlockable with the TR-76 Geist in MW2 and Warzone 2:

    Here are all the attachments that you can unlock with the TR-76 Geist in MW2:


    How to get the TR-76 Geist in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2:

    To unlock the TR-76 Geist in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 you need to Reach and complete Sector F7 of the Season 6 Battle Pass.

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