There has been a lot of conversation recently about World of Warcraft and whether it is a dying game or not. So, is World of Warcraft dying? The short answer could be no, but the situation is too complicated to answer this question with a yes or no. Every time a new MMORPG comes out, some ask if a game will finally overthrow Blizzard's most successful multiplayer game. It has never been the case, though. At least until recently. Many different things have affected World of Warcraft's popularity, and it has driven people to other games.

So, Is World Of Warcraft Dying Or Not?

So, Is World Of Warcraft Dying Or Not? The answer is, it is too soon to tell, but the signs are there. When discussing this subject, we have to remember that World of Warcraft is more than a game. Josh Strife Hayes explains it perfectly when it comes to why this game cannot be killed. A huge MMORPG is much more than a game. It is a community, a habit, a collection of memories, and a sub-culture. Something like that does not just end because a better game showed up.

Still, there should be a reason why people would think that something is going on lately with the king of MMO RPGs. What made so many gamers ask the question, "Is World of Warcraft Dying?"

What Is Making So Many People Leave WoW?

is world of warcraft dying

Apparently, Blizzard has gone way too far when it comes to annoying their own player base. World of Warcraft is killing itself. Most players of the game will tell you this was long overdue. They don't believe that Blizzard listens to them or cares about them. Meanwhile, many big streamers are trying Final Fantasy XIV or straight up leaving World of Warcraft for good. Even Asmongold — "the biggest Wow streamer" — has tried many different games recently. He even seems to be enjoying Final Fantasy XIV more than expected.

John Strife Heyes defined this event as a "Spiral of Death." If players think their MMO RPG is dying, they will leave it. That will cause other players to notice that people are leaving, which will make them think the game is dying. The "Spiral of Death" is what makes it so hard for a game to recover from a sudden decrease in its popularity, and it seems that some influencers believe it might be happening to World of Warcraft.

No matter what people say, WoW still has a strong fanbase and the content creation for the game doesn't seem to have slowed down. Besides your dedicated WoW youtubers, there are plenty of sites and writes making content for World of Warcraft players.

Is Final Fantasy XIV The New King?

There is a chance Final Fantasy XIV is becoming the most relevant MMORPG on the market. It already has more active players than its competition now. Many influential YouTubers consider it an "Objectively Better MMO RPG," it is seen as a game that cares about its players, and some of its most popular Twitch streamers came from World of Warcraft — Zepla is an excellent example of this.

So, is World of Warcraft dying for real? We don't know. It might not die for a long time. However, there is one thing that we know for sure: World of Warcraft is no longer the king. For more on MMORPGs, Fighting Games and more, check our games section right here, at Games Atlas.


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