This artifact set has been datamined on Honey Impact for quite some time, with previous speculations that this artifact set might be released with Eula. However, since Eula is primarily a Physical DPS, it makes more sense for this domain to be released with Ayaka in future. This article hopes to address the potential release dates of this artifact set and look at the possible uses of this set.
Artifact Set Bonus
A 2-set will grant a 15% Cryo DMG Bonus, while a 4-set gives increased Superconduct DMG by 100% and Melt DMG is increased by 15%. Using an Elemental Burst increases Cryo DMG Bonus by 30% for 10s.
Release Speculation
New artifacts are typically released through new domains, as seen in Peak of Vindagnyr from Dragonspine. We believe that this artifact set will be released as part of a new domain in Inazuma. This will probably coincide with Ayaka's release since the Cryo DMG Bonus and Cryo-related elemental reactions hint towards a Cryo user. This is a rather reasonable guess since the release of the Ridge Watch domain came with Zhongli's rerun and Eula's banner. The Tenacity of the Millelith set was clearly a Zhongli support, while Pale Flame benefits Eula's playstyle.
There has been some speculation that Ayaka will be released before her birthday (September 28), as seen from the tweet by Genshin Report here. Though this does not necessarily mean that Inazuma will arrive in the 1.7/2.0 updates, it hints towards the Electro Region more quickly than we think.
Comparison with Blizzard Strayer
Blizzard Strayer's set bonuses are as below:
- 2-set: 15% Cryo DMG Bonus (the same as this set)
- 4-set: When a character attacks an opponent affected by Cryo, their CRIT Rate is increased by 20%. If the opponent is Frozen, the CRIT Rate is increased by an additional 20%
Blizzard Strayer has a more Main DPS-related approach, while Glacier and Snowfield seems to be more Sub-DPS focused by increasing DMG for Cryo-related elemental reactions.
Potential Uses
As this set might be released with Ayaka, this set will likely be ideal for her. Recently, Ayaka's ascension stat was changed to CRIT DMG, as seen on Honey Impact's page here. Both of these somewhat solidify her role as a Burst DPS, someone meant for constantly using Ultimates, similar to Zhongli. I would say that it seems as if this is a prime set for Ayaka for now. Additionally, there is a rumoured buff for Electro in the 1.6 patch, which will hopefully make a Superconduct team more viable in the future, especially with this artifact set.
Kaeya and Chongyun with Sub DPS roles can also use this artifact set, as long as the team has an Electro Main DPS, such as Keqing. This allows your team to benefit from the Superconduct reaction buff.
Sub DPS Ganyu that consistently uses Ultimates could be a good fit for this artifact set, but I would still recommend a Main DPS Ganyu instead since we have seen her immense potential in dealing consistent DMG with her charged shots. For Cryo Utility users like Qiqi and Diona, I would recommend a 4-Noblesse set instead since you can buff all party member's elemental bursts instead of this set.
Overall, this set would be best for Ayaka but still ideal for Kaeya and Chongyun.
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