Breaking News: Borderlands 3 Director's Cut DLC Delay
Gearbox announced today on March 11th that the upcoming DLC for Borderlands 3 will be delayed.
It was scheduled to release on March 18th, due to the weather issues in Texas that release has been delayed. The new date of release is now the 8th of April.
You can see the official statement from Gearbox below.
Personally, I am excited about the upcoming DLC. I have been a long-time fan of the series and the inclusion of new missions, weapons and finally, the HUGE Raid Boss seems like a great addition to a great looter-shooter. DLC Delay was a piece of sad information but it might result in a more polished product.
With other bits of news we also got some Hotfixes to Borderlands 3 today on March 11.
The main piece of news is that Gearbox added a new weapon. Launcher called R.Y.N.A.H. What is interesting the weapon was in the game files since the launching of the game back in 2019. They decided to add this weapon in full as a drop from various loot enemies. I can assume it means the Loot Tinks, Chubby/Tubby enemies, etc.
We also got various weapon buffs. They increased the damage on the following weapons:
- Webslinger
- Devoted
- Roisen's Thorns
- Magnificent
- Mother Too
- Smart Gun XXL
- Ten Gallon
Additionally, they toned down melee damage scaling on the Fish Slap grenade mod and on the sticky explosives from the White Elephant artifact.
Borderlands 3 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One X/S, and Xbox Series X/S.
For some Borderlands guides on farming check out this article: https://www.gamesatlas.com/articles/borderlands-3-all-legendary-items-on-athenas-and-where-to-farm-them-farming-location-guide