On Saturday, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War received a weekend patch to introduce yet another limitation on League Play adding to the already long list of rules. The patch also introduced other updates for the Multiplayer and Zombies modes, centered around improving the gameplay quality. In League Play, the RC-XD Scorestreak is no longer allowed, and the friendly fire system has been changed to discourage players from intentionally trying to eliminate their teammates.

Friendly Fire:

cod zombies update 1

"Friendly fire will now convert to ricochet damage after the 2nd teamkill and return damage to the attacker. Players will be kicked after 2 additional attempted teamkills after that.” A similar system is used to great effect in Rainbow Six Siege, which was implemented in 2019. Griefing isn't as common on competitive ladders as on open matches, but it's a brutal thing when someone does decide to go rogue. The update has also been fairly well-received by Call of Duty league players on social media since this issue can be quite frustrating for players who are intentionally killed by their teammates.

Other Changes:

The update also included fixes for the hit marker issues that spawned from the latest patch update on February 5. The patch also fixed the issue in the Zombies mode that could cause a player to teleport out of the map when others interacted with the teleporter in the Village area. The exploit that allowed players to stand on top of the crafting table has also been resolved. The update also fixes a bug with Modern Warfare Weapon XP not being awarded as intended; to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Raven has updated the playlist names to be a little more holiday-themed. Warzone Rumble in the Sheets and Love & Plunder is now live in Warzone.

Like some of the touch-up patches in the past, the Black Ops Cold War update on Saturday was a short one with no significant improvements to gameplay. It was mostly based on the League Play mode, which makes sense considering how recent it is, and also took care of a few issues players have encountered in their usual matches or in the new Firebase Z map of the Zombies mode.

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