The Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight is a Executive vehicle featured in Cyberpunk 2077.
The Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight has been manufactured in New USA in the year 2068, and it's associated with the Kitsch Style in the Cyberpunk Universe.
How to get the Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight in Cyberpunk 2077:
The Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight in Cyberpunk 2077 is made available for purchase when roaming the district of City Center. You will receive a text message from the local Fixer, offering you the vehicle.
The Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight has a price of €$ 19,000 Eurodollars.
Vehicle Description:
It’s impossible to imagine the streets of Night City without the Columbus. This minivan is the cheapest and most recent model to roll off Villefort assembly lines. Many low-to-mid-tier shipping services use it for their deliveries. The Columbus is simple, functional and its modest engine sure as hell won’t get your heart racing, but you can bet on it to get the job done.
Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight Stats & Specs
- Manufacturer
- Vehicle Class Executive
- Country
- Production Year 2068
- Top Speed 130 mph
- Acquisition Purchase
- Price €$ 19,000
- Street Cred 1
- District
City Center
- Local Fixer
Dino Dinovic
- Style Kitsch Style
- Drive Train Rear-Wheel Drive
- Horse Power 210
- Curb Weight 4,453
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