The Militech Griffin is a Drone vehicle featured in Cyberpunk 2077.
With its reserves of active boots on the ground, Militech’s leadership believed it was always burning money and resources on the same old problems. Soldiers have to be trained. They have to be equipped, fed, and paid. Then, after absorbing all that capital, one quick bullet to the head is enough to send the investment straight down the drain.
As a result, Militech executives salivated at the prospect of using machines to replace a portion of their unreliable, “soft” human assets. Thus, the Griffin combat drone was born. Cheap, obedient and durable, the Griffin never posed a risk of desertion or demanded a pay raise. And if one ever committed a war crime? Militech could blame it on a “software bug” caused by a sloppy third-party contractor. Managing an army had never been easier.
Militech Griffin Stats & Specs
- Manufacturer
- Country
- Acquisition Cannot be acquired
- Style Neo-Militarism Style
- Body Type Drone
Coming soon.