“They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live ‘em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, small-time pushers - you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the strong - the only law in Night City you have yet to break.”

Street Kid, along with Nomad and Corporate, is one of the three Lifepath choices in Cyberpunk 2077 that determine V's background and story.

Night City is never just one thing. While the corporates fill their pockets and enjoy nearly unlimited luxury in the upper echelons of the city, the entire world is grinding away beneath them.

The kids from the streets know a very different side of Night City, the side that the corporate world above would rather wipe out of existence - except for the fact that a large chunk of their profits come from the nether regions of the city, from goings-on both legitimate and nefarious.

When starting off as a Street Kid, V was born and raised in Night City, and might have an easier time dealing with the various gangs.

You begin the story in Watson and are tasked with stealing a Rayfield Aerondight owned by a corpo from Arasaka. During this mission, Jackie Welles attempts to steal the car from V. This establishes the relationship between the two for the rest of the game.

V: Street Kid Character Art


Street Kid Lifepath Artwork

Cyberpunk 2077 - Street Kid Lifepath

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