The new Life is Strange: True Colors lives up to the expectations of the series created by Dontnod in the first game, this time with a story from Deck Nine Games. Her protagonist, Alex Chen, is a young woman who arrives in a small town in Colorado after a traumatic event, who has the power to read empathy: not only her feelings but her emotions. In this article you will learn where are all the collectibles in Life is Strange True Colors.

Like the previous Life is Strange, the game is full of collectibles, memories, or memories that we activate with our power of empathy, which in addition to helping us achieve 100%, allow us to learn more about our environment. Each of them is also assigned a trophy or achievement.

Where are All the Collectibles in Life is Strange True Colors?

There are five collectibles in each chapter of Life is Strange True Colors. If you skip one, you can repeat the chapters later. To activate the memories of each object, you must use the telepathic ability on each object, pressing the left trigger [LT].

Chapter 1

  • Riley's letter inside Gabe's apartment desk
  • The crack in the apartment hallway, under the Stalker poster
  • The business card on the bar, to the right of the blue monitor
  • The helmet on the ground in the mining area at night, to the left of the door
  • The phone at the processing plant, turn around as soon as you enter

Chapter 2

  • The button on one of the pots on the roof of the apartment
  • The check hanging behind the empty bar counter
  • The umbrella that is in the bar, next to the bathroom doors
  • The pills in the back room, in a cabinet to the right, of the Silver Dragon pharmacy
  • The t-shirt in the flower shop, inside a cabinet drawer on the left

Chapter 3

  • The fireman's jacket on the hanger of the bar, near the bathroom
  • The note next to the bloodstain on the street
  • The paper at the bar, on one of the round high tables, near the bear and the bullseye
  • Valkyrie's plate, next to the record store counter, to the left of the guitar
  • The dollar is on the ground in the park, next to a bench. You may have seen it before, but you won't be able to interact with it until after you've done all the tasks. Be careful, if you walk a few more steps, a scene will be activated and you will not be able to return

Chapter 4

  • The rose hanging in a frame on the wall of the apartment, next to the window
  • Drums at the festival, on stage
  • The mic on the ground, backstage where the drums are
  • The Polaroid picture on the bar, hanging next to the ladies' room
  • The sticker stuck on the glass in the florist, between all the flower pots

Chapter 5

  • Mom's keys on a countertop in a hospital room
  • The business card in the apartment's kitchen (where two people are arguing outside), on a small table in front of the fridge
  • The guitar strings in one of the beds of the orphanage
  • The pendant you find in the mine (you will find this one in history)
  • The firefighter jacket, the same one you found before, is on one of the chairs in the apartment

Life is Strange True Colors is available now on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, and Xbox One.

Now you know where are all the collectibles in Life is Strange True Colors. For more guides, you can find them here at GamesAtlas.

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