The main character of the Devil May Cry franchise is a deadly warrior. A demon slayer who can lift tons, slash through stone, survive impaling, and put terror in the heart of the strongest foe. He is also incredibly goofy. Dante does not takes himself seriously and has this "live and let leave" approach to life. So much so that he can go from badass to over-the-top silly in a heartbeat and, for some reason, that only makes him even more likable. There might be some spoilers here, so you're warned. Either way, here are 6 times that Dante was an adorable goofball.
Playing the Guitar
This shows that Dante was silly since he was a kid. Perhaps it was his way to cope with his own traumas. Either way, I love to see how he has to stop everything to just enjoy a bit of music with his newly acquired Guitar. Moments like this in Devil May Cry 3 were what defined Dante's Personality in the rest of the franchise.
Dante Needed Music to Fight
At the beginning of Devil May Cry 3, Dante had to stop everything he was doing, right after being slashed several times, so he could turn on the jukebox. He was already injured from the sneak attack and prevented from enjoying his pizza, so having some music to enjoy what he was about to do is a great way of showing his personality. Dante knew he'd win the fight, so he didn't even care about doing something before he could put on some music in order to be stylish while beating his foes. Even the acting of turning on his jukebox was done in the goofiest way he could think of.
Dante Is Really Bad at Acting
When facing Angelo Agnus, Dante witnessed some over-the-top near-Shakespearean monologue being done by the bad guy. Dante joins in with bad acting, terrible hand gestures, and over the top lines simulating the same theatrical style of speaking that the bad guy was going for while talking to himself. This scene is hilariously bad, and that's why it is great!
Before Destroying a Portal to the Underworld, He Had to Draw on It
A simple half-demon with simple pleasures. Destroying the passage was not enough, he had to draw a heart on it with explosive throwing knives. Not only that, he later breaks the heart right in the middle, making a broken heart that would reveal the last boss right behind it. Seems that Dante can find fun in the little things, no matter the situation he is in.
The Legendary Moonwalk
If anybody had told me this before the game came out, I would not believe it for a second. This was an amazing surprise! I never thought for a second that something like this would happen in Devil May Cry 5. We all got to see Legendary Demon Slayer Dante dancing like Michael Jackson and doing a perfect moonwalk to show off his newly acquired weapon!
Do you like Dante's goofiness? Or do you prefer Vergil's seriousness? Did we lose any of Dante's goofy moments that you like? Let us know in the comments!