The Zetatech Surveyor is a vehicle featured in Cyberpunk 2077.
From the day the first flying car was made, experts were already making their predictions about the first flying bus and who would produce it. In the end, it was Zetatech who won the flying bus race when they released the Surveyor. This behemoth of the heavens is capable of delivering a platoon of troops behind enemy lines swiftly and silently. And although it was engineered primarily with personal transportation in mind, the Surveyor is fitted with Smart-missile defense systems powerful enough to dependently fend off enemy attacks.
Initially designed and sold for military applications, this colossal AV is now frequently used for civilian purposes in many large cities, including Night City. So when a sunny day quickly turns to night, just look up – it won’t be a solar eclipse, but a Zetatech Surveyor.
Zetatech Surveyor Stats & Specs
- Manufacturer
- Country
- Acquisition Cannot be acquired