New Pokémon Snap is quite a long journey, longer than it might seem. Completing the tours around the archipelago can take us 10 or more hours, and there are many surprises along the way. However, you will only scratch the surface of everything this Pokémon safari has to offer.

New Pokémon Snap - What After You Complete the Game?

New Pokémon Snap

 In this guide, we have told you all the routes in the game, in what order the visits, and what you must do to progress. If you are reading this, we assume that you have already seen the credits. But don't think the adventure is over, far from it. Here we tell you everything that is unlocked after finishing the story.

9 Legendary Pokémon Locations New Pokémon Snap

If you have already seen the credits, it means that you have already seen Xerneas. But do not think that it is the only Legendary Pokémon in the game: from seeing the credits, you will be able to meet 9 other legendary ones.

In this guide, we give you the location of all of them, in case you prefer to search for them yourself. You will have to repeat all the routes: some you will find them directly on the routes, but others are quite far-fetched…

  • Miricopia Reef (sunset)

Completing the credits gives us access to the last route: the reef at sunset. It is worth visiting, not only for its spectacular views but also because it has the location of one of the Legendary.

  • Turbo Mode

By pressing the ZR button, the Neo-One will advance faster, allowing you to anticipate events and better see certain Pokémon.

  • Burst Mode

Another very useful option that is unlocked is burst mode: activating it from the options menu allows you to take up to six photos in a single shot, which will help you photograph the most elusive Pokémon. You can disable it at any time (and you may want to do it most of the time if you don't want to run out of reel halfway).

  • Best Score

Upon completing the game, it will begin to save the best scores of the routes. Your best brand is uploaded to the Internet, where you can compare it with other players.

Remember, in any case, that to find some of the rarest Pokémon, you will have to level up the tours. If you want to change levels, when choosing a route from the map menu you can press X.

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