Rakna-Kadaki is one of the new monsters introduced in Monster Hunter Rise, and also one of the strongest and most fearsome of the high rank. Don't be caught off guard and learn how to defeat Rakna-Kadaki.

One of the most dreadful monsters in the new batch that Monster Hunter Rise has introduced is the Rakna-Kadaki, a giant spider that will not make anyone who suffers from arachnophobia any grace and on top of that, also presents a considerable challenge.

How to defeat Rakna-Kadaki

It is the first monster that we will have to defeat in missions of seven high-ranking stars, so, as you can imagine, this monster represents a challenge that will require reflexes, preparation, and knowledge of the danger that one faces. There is nothing like a good guide for the latter.

How to Defeat Rakna-Kadaki: Tips and Tricks

Rakna-Kadaki is the only temnoceran introduced in Monster Hunter Rise and is based on a giant spider that roams with its Rachnoid brood. You can find it in places like the Lava Caves or Sandy Plains.

Its main qualities are its size and its sticky fabric secretion that applies to any situation. Rakna-Kadaki will use this silk to approach you, entangle you and then hit you hard and also to protect itself.

In addition, it also has the ability to shoot fire through its body, making it a formidable enemy. Take cleaners with you to avoid problems and stay away from their fiery attacks. If you manage to stay safe and repeat your shots when Rakna-Kadaki plays, it becomes quite predictable.

Even with everything, you should always try to destroy the spider web on its legs, since it will cause it to slip with many of its movements. However, you will be able to protect yourself again over time. Don't hit the fangs on the head if you don't have a hammer or a very sharp weapon.

Again, the head is its most vulnerable point, but looking into its little eyes can be frightening, and leaves you very exposed to its spider web. Instead, hit the paws, as we've already mentioned. And you better do it with ice weapons, as Rakna-Kadaki is weak against this element and also to water element weapons.

What weapons should you use? If you are fairly confident, the long sword or hammer can be an excellent option, although the charge blade is also highly recommended due to the spinning slash. Ranged weapons are not notable for their great utility in this combat.

Now that you know how to defeat Rakna-Kadaki, why not check out the rest of our guides on Monster Hunter Rise and the rest of the guides on the best games around, here, at GamesAtlas. 

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