The Zetatech Atlus is a Emergency vehicle featured in Cyberpunk 2077.
The Atlus is the flagship product of Zetatech and probably the most popular AV model in Night City, used by both Trauma Team medic squads and N54 News teams. Its characteristic hum can be heard day and night in any district or neighborhood. When parents ask their toddlers what sound an Atlus makes, the little rug rats reply “Woom woom!” as they point up to the smoggy sky.
What made the Atlus so successful? The sleek design, attractive price tag, and dependable performance helped to be sure. But the most important factor was hiring Kieran Oesterlitz as Zetatech’s chief lobbyist. Already on a first-name basis with most of the city’s bigwigs, Kieron knows that it’s a personal connection, not technical specs, that sell AVs.
Zetatech Atlus Stats & Specs
- Manufacturer
- Vehicle Class Emergency
- Country
- Acquisition Cannot be acquired