In this guide, we will provide a brief description of how to unlock all the trophies in Hitman 3.
[PLATINUM] World of Assassination
Complete all 47 trophies.
To acquire this trophy, you need to acquire all other trophies in the game. DLC trophies do not count towards this.
[BRONZE] The Result of Previous Training
Complete Freeform Training in the Prologue.
Completing the Freeform Training once will unlock this trophy. It can be done by heading to the Main Menu and selecting Campaigns, then Prologue, and then Freeform Training.
[BRONZE] Cleared for Field Duty
Complete The Final Test in the Prologue.
For this one, you need to select Campaigns from the Main Menu, then Prologue, and then Final Test. Completing it once will unlock the trophy (It will also automatically unlock the next trophy in this list).
[BRONZE] Seizing the Opportunity
Complete any Mission Story in The Final Test.
Same as Cleared for Field Duty, select The Final Test from the Prologues. Complete any one of the stories in the Mission and the trophy will unlock immediately after completing the objective.
[BRONZE] The Creative Assassin
Complete the Contract Creation Tutorial.
For this trophy, you need to head into Game Modes from the main menu, select Contracts, then Creat Contract, and then select the Tutorial. Completing this once will unlock the trophy regardless of the outcome.
[SILVER] Silent Assassin
Complete The Final Test unspotted. Kill only Jasper Knight, ensuring his body is not found.
To complete this, you need to sneak into the building without being detected. The best way to do this is to sneak around the left side and climb the pipe. Be careful not to get spotted. When you're inside the building, drop your pistol on the floor infront of the door before the guards walk in, and hide. They'll leave with the pistol and Jasper Knight will be by himself. Take him out and hide his body in the box in the bathroom. Head out back the way you came, and toss a coin to distract the guard at the bottom of the pipe.
[SILVER] Training Escalated
Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in the ICA Facility.
To select an Escalation, select Destinations from the main menu, then ICA Facility, then select the Snorrason Ascension. It is basically an escalation variation of the Final Test mission. If not there, try finding it through Campaign Prologues. There are 5 escalation levels, with the levels starting from 1 and increasing every time you complete them. Each level adds a new completion requirement as well. There is a simple guide for the level 5 escalation, which can work for all levels.
To begin, pick up the crowbar in the starting area on the right, and then climb over the fence. Make your way sneakily through the grass and past the other fence. Climb in through the first window on the left, and then head right through a couple of doors into the locker room. You'll find a disguise on the bench in the room for an Airplane Mechanic Uniform. Equip it, and then head upstairs to the room with the safe. Wait for Moses Butusov to show up with another NPC. Shoot Butusov in the head, and then quickly shoot the NPC with him. Take Butusov's disguise - The Soviet Soldier Uniform, and hide both the corpses in the box in the bathroom. Crack open the safe with the crowbar and loot it. Then, grab Butusov's rifle and find Cilas Netzke. Place the rifle in Cilas' path where only he can see it, and no other soldier. He will take the rifle down to the armory where no one else goes. Shoot him in the head with the silenced pistol with the uniform still on, and drag his body to the locker room where you found the mechanic uniform. Hide his body in a locker. If you get spotted, grab Netzke's disguise before putting him in the locker and head out through the grass and over the fences, same as the way you came. Keep in mind, all the bodies need to be hidden within 120 seconds of being killed. Killing is okay but DO NOT KNOCK ANYONE OUT.
[BRONZE] Top of the Class
Beat the highest leaderboard score on a Contract.
While this may sound difficult, it is actually extremely easy. You can simply unlock this trophy by creating your own contract and beating your own score.
First, you need to create a new contract. Mark a single target right at the start of the map, kill them and exfiltrate. Name your contract anything you like.
Then, replay the contract to set any score. Take your time and be slow, so that you get a low score that you can easily beat yourself. Then, replay the contract yet again and beat your previous score.
In total, you need to play the contract three times - once when you create it, once to set a low bar score, and one last time to beat your own previous best.
[BRONZE] A New Profile
Complete a Featured Contract.
To acquire this trophy, simply complete any available featured contract. These are just different variations of the main map, and the target is usually a specific NPC that can be scanned and detected.
[SILVER] Tools of the Trade
Assassinate Targets with Ballistic, Accident and Explosion Kills.
This trophy can be unlocked naturally during the course of the game. All you need to keep in mind is that you need to kill the target once with a firearm, once with an explosion, and once with an accident. These are all fairly easy to do.
[BRONZE] Unseen Assassin
Assassinate a Target without getting spotted.
This is fairly easy to complete while playing through the mission stories. The easiest way to do it is with an accidental kill.
[SILVER] Shortcut Killer
Find and unlock 15 Shortcuts.
There are several shortcuts through all the maps that can be found and unlocked. To get this trophy, you need only find 15 of them.
[BRONZE] Stylish Assassin
Get 10 different Playstyles.
There are many different playstyles that can be acquired, it all depends on how you play the missions. Getting different playstyles on the same mission counts towards this trophy as well. One playstyle will automatically unlock with the "Silent Assassin" trophy.
[BRONZE] Death From Above
Complete On Top Of The World.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Dune Raider
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Dubai.
To unlock this trophy, you need to discover all the areas in Dubai.
[BRONZE] Treacherous Architecture
Kill Ingram with his oil-rig model, push Stuyvesant over a rail, and kill them in the air.
This trophy involves three assassination challenges in Dubai.
The first one is to kill Ingram with his oil rig statue, pushing him over it and having it impale his eye.
The second one is to push Stuyvesant over the ledge of the roof.
The third one is to kill both targets mid-air by either shooting their parachutes after initiating evacuation protocol or sabotaging their parachutes beforehand.
[BRONZE] Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Make a target slip and fall while evacuating in a skydiving suit.
One of the more hilarious trophies, this one requires you to place banana peels at the edge of the rooftop when you initiate the emergency evacuation protocol. You need to get one of the targets to slip off the building when they're about to skydive.
[SILVER] Rise Up
Complete all Mission Stories in On Top Of The World.
This is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is complete all the mission stories in the first part of the game "On Top Of The World".
[SILVER] Stair Master
Reach Dubai Mastery Level 20.
Completing challenges counts towards Mastery progress. You need to complete as many challenges as required in order to reach Master Level 20.
[BRONZE] Master of the Household
Complete Death In The Family.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] No Stone Unturned
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Dartmoor.
To unlock this trophy, you need to discover all the areas in Dartmoor.
[BRONZE] Upstairs, Downstairs
Eliminate Alexa in her private room, shoot her from the roof, and put her to rest.
If you complete all the challenges in Death In The Family, this gets completed automatically.
The first one is to kill Alexa in her private soundproofed room (the one with red padding). You'll need a bodyguard disguise to reach this room unnoticed. She's present in the room early in the mission, so you need to get there quickly -- or knock her out and drag her into that room and then kill her.
The second one is to use a sniper rifle. This one requires a high mastery level. Get the Undertaker to lure her out to the graveyard. Once you do that, head over to the roof (requires some shimmying from the windows) and shoot her when she meets the undertaker.
The third one is to push her into the grave she stands in front of, and shovel in the dirt on top of her.
[BRONZE] Family Feud
Help Emma kill Alexa.
In order to do this, first, you need to initiate the photoshoot. You can do this by taking out the photographer and taking his disguise and clicking a picture of the maid. She will then call the whole family. Then, head to the greenhouse, and make some poison in the distillation lab. Then, perform the photoshoot, and grab a bodyguard disguise to blend in. Head into the sitting room and poison the glass. Then, wait a while during Alexa's speech. Afterward, she'll walk around and come back, and take a sip from the glass, killing her instantly. Then, wait for Emma to inspect the glass. The trophy should unlock at this point.
[SILVER] Full House
Complete all Mission Stories in Death In The Family.
This is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is complete all the mission stories in Death In The Family.
[SILVER] The Great Outdoors
Reach Dartmoor Mastery Level 20.
Completing challenges counts towards Mastery progress. You need to complete as many challenges as required in order to reach Master Level 20.
[BRONZE] Death of the Party
Complete Apex Predator.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Followed the Trails
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Berlin.
To unlock this trophy, you need to discover all the areas in Berlin.
[BRONZE] Partied Out
Tremain has a rifle accident, Thames is hit by a crane and Montgomery & Banner light up the club.
The first one is to kill Tremain with a sniper rifle which is in the biker clubhouse.
The second is to activate the crane with a fuse. Then, get inside of it, and wait for Thames to walk right in front of it. Once he's standing under the light of the crane, drop the cargo on him.
The third one is to kill the targets using a short-circuited light tree installation. Use a screwdriver to short circuit the installation. Then, grab a DJ disguise and take over from the DJ. When the agents convene on the walkway, fry them both at once.
[BRONZE] Bird Art
Photograph the Yellow Bird.
This trophy unlocks when you photograph all 7 bird graffiti in Berlin. They are all close together, making this trophy fairly easy. It unlocks when you complete the mission.
[SILVER] Last Call
Become the club owner, and have a sit down with the ICA.
For this, acquire Hirschmuller's disguise by luring him with the record player. Then, take his phone book and call Montgomery. If nobody answers the call, you will have to replay the mission. Wait for him at the desk until he arrives. Then wait some more for other agents to arrive. They will detect you fast, so quickly all 5 of the agents there including Montgomery. Once you exfiltrate, the mission gets over.
[SILVER] Warehouse Veteran
Reach Berlin Mastery Level 20.
Completing challenges counts towards Mastery progress. You need to complete as many challenges as required in order to reach Master Level 20.
Complete End Of An Era.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Surveillance Master
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Chongqing.
To unlock this trophy, you need to discover all the areas in Chongqing.
[BRONZE] Future Shock
Kill Hush in his “relaxing chair,” electrocute Royce and shoot both with one bullet.
To do the first one, simply kill Hush when he is in his chair in the therapy room (code is 2552).
The second one can be completed by dragging Royce's unconscious body to the water tank in the break room (the one with the socket underneath). Shoot the tank, and then the socket.
To do the third one, wait for Hush and Royce to meet up in the Lotus Passage. Then, when they're aligned perfectly, shoot one of the in the head in a way that you kill both targets.
[BRONZE] Console Cowboy
Use Royce’s terminal to fry the core.
In the mission Certainty Principle, let Royce guide you to the computer with which you can fire people. Fire Alicia Reynolds, then Jeremy Bolt, and then Sharon Reed after Alicia turns off the safety mechanism and Royce entered the core. When she's inside, wait for her to flip the switch. Since the safety mechanism is turned off, she will get fried.
[SILVER] Icebreaker
Complete all Mission Stories in End Of An Era.
This is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is complete all the mission stories in End Of An Era.
[SILVER] Hack the Planet
Reach Chongqing Mastery Level 20.
Completing challenges counts towards Mastery progress. You need to complete as many challenges as required in order to reach Master Level 20.
[BRONZE] The Last Tango
Complete The Farewell.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Master the Terroir
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Mendoza.
To unlock this trophy, you need to discover all the areas in Mendoza.
[BRONZE] Ripe for the Picking
Eliminate Vidal with the grape crusher, Yates with poisoned Grand Paladin, and both with gas.
To do the first one, simply lure Vidal under the grape crusher and activate it.
For the second one, you will need lethal poison. Poison the wine glass in the villa basement that is at the front of the table. Then, disguise yourself as the Sommelier and bring the wine bottle to the meeting in the basement. Simply wait for Yates to drink from it.
For this one, you need lethal poison again. Make sure Tamara and Don are both in the barrel room together. Run up to the tech room and poison the ventilation system, turning it on. Then, head to the security room and reroute airflow to the barrel room.
[BRONZE] Evil Wine Club
Attend the secret Providence meeting.
In order to get this trophy, you need to complete the mission stories for Closing Statement.
[SILVER] Rich Harvest
Complete all Mission Stories in The Farewell.
This is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is complete all the mission stories in The Farewell.
[SILVER] Vineyard Virtuoso
Reach Mendoza Mastery Level 20.
Completing challenges counts towards Mastery progress. You need to complete as many challenges as required in order to reach Master Level 20.
[GOLD] Nightmare Fuel
Complete Untouchable.
This trophy is story related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Bullet Train
Take out a guard with a silenced pistol, with a shotgun and with an SMG.
The only way to get the first one is to craft a silenced pistol at the crafting table halfway through the train. Then use it to kill a guard.
To get the second one, grab a shotgun that is dropped by enemies near the end and use it to kill a guard.
Then get the third one, grab an SMG from the enemies near the end and use it to kill a guard.
[BRONZE] Count Down From 47
47 takes another nap.
This is trophy is unlocked after a special interaction with Arthur Edwards. Hold the serum on the table and keep it in your hand for a while. When Arthur says something about injecting yourself, you will receive a prompt to do so. Do it to unlock the trophy and a secret game ending.
[SILVER] Train Surfing
Complete all Untouchable Challenges.
This is pretty straightforward. Complete all the challenges in the mission Untouchable.
[SILVER] Last Stop
Reach Carpathian Mountains Mastery Level 5.
This can be easily acquired whilst working your way to the trophy Train Surfing.
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