Razor is, with no exaggeration, one of Genshin Impact's most popular characters, and has, with his straightforward set of skills, high potential as a DPS, and king heart won the hearts of everyone who managed to get him on their squad. Providing new players with a great main DPS option, early on.
We will now give you a few tips that are sure to turn the wolf boy into a damage-dealing machine. So, ready?
''Stand''ing Your Ground
The Gladiator's Finale full set fits Razor like a Glove, making him a high-damage dealing machine. ORIGINAL IMAGE: Genshin Impact Wiki.
First of all, remember that Razor is what most players call a Selfish DPS, which means that the benefits of staying on the field as long as possible and need a team that will work to help maintain him in that situation with optimal results. Yeah, we are looking at you healers.
On the build itself, he makes use of a straightforward one, focussing on building up his Normal attack, and his Physical Damage hard, and relying a lot on his passive talents and constellations to improve his speed and overall damage, his Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst.
With that in mind, the Gladiator's Finale full set is advised, since it gives an 18% attack increase and a 35% increase in the damage of his normal attacks. Since its main source of damage is on its normal attacks, a physical damage goblet is the best choice. The sub-stats you should focus on, like in all good high damaging characters, are CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate, depending on your weapon of choice. You can get pieces of the set by beating any o the resin bosses.
Remember that, to use him at his full potential, you need energy recharge, ether from sub-stats, or team compositions, to keep his burst available for most of the time.
When it's not Wolf's Gravestone?
From right to left, Wolf's Gravestone, Serpent Spine, Prototype Archaic, and Debate Club.
On the weapons side, between the 4-stars, the Serpent Spine has an edge, since it gives Razor an increase in Crit Rate, plus a damage bonus from its passive, the Prototype Archaic is also a great choice since it gives a great attack boost and a great DMG bonus every 15 seconds.
reaNow, like it was said above, if you were lucky enough to get Wolf's Gravestone, the 5-star weapon should be, without a doubt, your main choice, for its high overall damage and passive. In the end, the Wolfs best weapon is Wolf's Gravestone. On the other hand, if you don't have any of the above, the Debate Club is also a good option.
With that in mind, you should focus on his normal attacks first, and depending on your team composition and playstyle, focus on his Elemental Skill, ''Claw and Thunder'' with can generate plenty of energy, and his Elemental Burst, ''Lightning Fang'', in which he calls upon his Wolf Within to deal additional damage and increase his attack speed, and resistance.
Genshin Impact is available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices.