Have you ever wondered how to uninstall League of Legends? Look no further. I will explain all the details and steps you have to do for you to uninstall the game in this article.
The methods might differ, so here I will be going over the Windows 10 option. It is the most common operating system at the moment, but if you have an older system, just look for the options in Control Panel, then Add or Delete Programs, search for League of Legends, and press Uninstall.
Important! Make sure you are 100% certain of the decision. You can always download the game later so it is not permanent, but if you just had a bad game and got angry, just chill out for a bit, and then reconsider if you are sure about it. If so, then go ahead.
Why Would Anyone Want to Know How to Uninstall League of Legends?
There are many reasons why someone wants to uninstall a certain game. With LoL, there are several reasons someone would want to delete it. Here are some of them:
- You got bored of the game
- You need more space on your PC
- The game was installed to play with your friends, and now you play other games together
- League Client might encounter errors and bugs that require you to reinstall League of Legends; in order to do so, you will need to uninstall it first
- You want to take a break from playing the game
- You got frustrated with how the game community acts
- Your PC is not strong enough to support the game
- You were playing around with some files and want to restore the game to its default state
- You need to help your friends with their dilemma on How to Uninstall League of Legends
How to Uninstall League of Legends
Windows 10
- Step 1. Open Windows Settings
- Step 2. Click the Applications button
- Step 3. Scroll down and find League of Legends
- Step 4. Press Uninstall on the right
- Step 5. Confirm that you want to uninstall the application
- Step 6. Wait for the process to be completed
That is pretty much it. Now you do not have to worry about the game taking up space on your hard drive and on your mind.
Feel free to explore our website for other games that might catch your interest that do not have the element of frustration that you might encounter playing League of Legends. The game itself is not bad, but the community might drive you mad at times.
Now You Know How to Uninstall League of Legends
The game may be frustrating at times, and almost every player wanted to uninstall the game at some point. It is a good way to take your mind off the stress related to the game, give yourself a break and chill out a bit.
You can always download the game again. But if it sits on your desktop, you might find yourself playing it without even wanting to - out of boredom, for example!
League of Legends is out now on PC.
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