The Villefort Cortes V6000 NCPD Overlord (Police) is a Emergency vehicle featured in Cyberpunk 2077.

Villefort guarantees the Overlord can provide complete security in even the most extreme conditions. The heavily armored body is built to withstand continuous gunfire, and its massive engine allows for clearing obstacles such as makeshift road barricades.

In an emergency, the operating officer can direct her focus on the firefight, leaving the car’s central computer to take control of movement. Additionally, certain classified factory-issued components have been replaced with those often used in both Militech and Arasaka armored vehicles. In other words, the Overlord is uniquely designed to excel on the urban battlefield.

Villefort Cortes V6000 NCPD Overlord (Police) Stats & Specs

  • Manufacturer Manufacturer: VillefortVillefort
  • Vehicle Class Emergency
  • Country Country: New USANew USA
  • Production Year 2038 - 2053
  • Acquisition Cannot be acquired


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