We tell you How to Escape the Gas Chamber in Deathloop, a death trap that will require you to complete a small and demanding challenge.
If you are already enjoying Deathloop over and over again, you may want to know some of the secrets that Backreef Island hides. The time loop in which Colt is immersed is all gibberish and presents us with all kinds of situations like the one he now deals with in the PS5 and PC game.
Exploring Fristad Rock, you will almost by chance stumble upon a gas chamber inside a shed found on “Man Behind Glass”, an NPC that seems to be related to Colt's history. Once we enter we will be trapped.
How to Escape the Gas Chamber in Deathloop
The first thing you must do to escape is turning left and go up the small ladder. On the wall, you will see a metal box that you will have to open by cutting a wire. By doing this you will get a document "Gas Drainage Protocols".
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This document tells you that you must activate a series of levers to expel the gas, but in the correct order. Therefore, the next step will be to go to the door near where the box was located.
Your goal will be to take note of the three-digit numbers that are written on the board across the room. Unfortunately, we cannot help you here, as these numbers change with each game.
Next, go down the stairs and destroy some vertical planks that are nearby. Now you will access a room where there are various levers. Find two switches that feature the three-digit numbers you saw earlier.
Now go back up the stairs and press the red button found on the box that you opened in the first place. This will allow you to have a short dialogue and be able to escape from the gas chamber.
Hopefully, you now know How to Escape the Gas Chamber in Deathloop.
If you want to know more about Deathloop, here you will find our analysis of this game, currently exclusive to PS5 and PC.
Also feel free to take a look at our guides.
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