From all of Genshin Impact's 4-star characters, one of the consensuses among the fanbase is that the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, Ningguang, is a character that should have been a 5-star. We will now show you a build capable of showing your enemies the true might of the Tianquan and of proving to all that she is, in fact, one of the best DPS in the game.
The Mighty of the Tianquan
From right to left, the Flower of Creviced Cliff, part of the Archaic Petra set, and the Gladiator's Nostalgia, part of the Gladiator's Finale set. Original Images: Genshin Impact Wiki
Ningguang's potential in a DPS is focused primarily on her charged attack, with can be done without spending stamina after a 3 hit combo. It's important to point out that her potential as a DPS increases exponentially if you have her first constellation, ''Piercing Fragments'', unlocked, with gives all her attacks a small AoE upon contact.
With that in mind, all of her attacks deal Geo elemental damage to enemies, so a 2-piece Archaic Petra set, which offers a 15% increase in Geo damage is ideal, and as her attacks scale of her attack, a 2 piece Gladiator's Finale would fit like a glove, since it increases attack by 18%.
- Remember to make use of a Geo DMG Bonus goblet, since it's essential to upscale her overall damage.
Using a full Archaic Petra set can also work, but only if you can make her generate Geo shields constantly to make use of the buff.
A Weapon Worthy of a Queen
From right to left, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Skyward Atlas, Memory of Dust, and Solar Pearl. Original images: Genshin Impact Wiki.
The game offers a pretty wide selection of catalysts, but for Ning - and since we will focus on improving her damage - four of them shine among the rest. On the 4-star side, the Solar Pearl would be our main choice, for its passive and the fact that he offers a great amount of Crit Rate, which is vital for a DPS.
When talking about 5-star catalysts, our main choice would be - if you were lucky enough to get it - the Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, since it offers a great buffing passive and a large amount of Crit Rate. The Skyward Atlas and the Memory of Dust can also be great choices.
Talent-wise, you should focus on her Elemental Burst, ''Starshatter'', and on her Normal/Charged attack, ''Sparkling Scatter''. Besides, focus on using her Elemental Skill, ''Jade Screen'', to provide her with extra damage, as well as making use of its passive to improve her Geo DMG.
Don't miss out on the chance to get or improve your Ningguang on the ''Stand by Me'' event, part of the ''All That Glitters'' update, where you can exchange 1000 Peace Talismans for a copy of the character.
Genshin Impact is available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices. You can check in more builds of the character on the game's official Reddit page.