Here is a list of F1 22 best cars to use with realistic performance settings.
When watching the real F1 races it may be thought to pick F1 22 best cars to use in the game, as their performance varies from race to race.
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Read on more in this article to learn more about F1 22 best cars.
F1 22 Best Cars
Cars From Best to Worst In Terms of Overall Performance
Credit: Electronic Arts
The overall performance of the car is represented as a value shown by the game next to every vehicle. The highest value number allowed by the game is 50 and the lowest is 0. Analogically the better the car, the higher the number.
This ranking takes into consideration the sum of aero and engine performance as well as the mass and drag of the cars. Here is a list of F1 22 best cars with their performance values in order:
- Ferrari - 49
- Mercedes - 45
- Red Bull - 44
- Alpine - 39
- Mclaren - 34
- Alfa Romeo - 30
- Alpha Tauri - 29
- Hass - 24
- Williams - 21
- Aston Martin - 17
As you can see, the best car in the game is definitely Ferrari with Mercedes and Redbull being in the second and third podium places. Aston Martin is a definite worst performer on the grid.
Equal Performance, Car Preferences
Credit: Electronic Arts
When it comes to multiplayer and playing with the equal performance setting, there is no difference to what car you pick as they all will perform the same. The only things that are different are the models of the cars which directly affect the camera position but that all comes from personal preferences.
In-depth analysis of F1 22 Best Cars
Mass and Drag
Credit: Electronic Arts
Mass and drag are the values that affect the car negatively as they generate slowing forces when driving forward. To overcome them, the engine and general aerodynamics of the vehicle have to be optimized to produce the best performance possible.
Drag values (lower is better):
- Red Bull - 0.77
- Alpine - 0.77
- Alpha Tauri - 0.77
- Hass - 0.77
- Ferrari - 0.79
- Mercedes - 0.81
- Williams - 0.81
- Alfa Romeo - 0.81
- Mclaren - 0.82
- Aston Martin - 0.85
Mass value (lower is better):
- Ferrari - 798
- Mercedes - 789
- Red Bull - 789
- Mclaren - 802
- Alpine - 804
- Alfa Romeo - 805
- Alpha Tauri - 807
- Aston Martin - 807
- Haas - 809
- Williams - 811
As we can see the 3 lightest cars match the overall performance value perfectly which can't be said about the drag value where Ferrari and Mercedes fall down the pack.
Aero Values
Credit: Electronic Arts
Aero represents how well a car handles in the corners. Higher value helps the car become more stable and execute corners with greater speeds compared to vehicles with less aerodynamic performance. The values shown below are separated into three categories which are pretty self-explanatory. A higher number means better performance.
Overall aero performance:
- Ferrari - 1.0000
- Mercedes - 0.9875
- Red Bull - 0.9775
- Alpine - 0.9575
- Mclaren - 0.9500
- Alfa Romeo - 0.9200
- Alpha Tauri - 0.9175
- Haas - 0.9025
- Williams - 0.9025
- Aston Martin - 0.8825
Aero front:
- Ferrari - 1.0000
- Mercedes - 0.9850
- Red Bull - 0.9750
- Alpine - 0.9600
- Mclaren - 0.9500
- Alfa Romeo - 0.9200
- Alpha Tauri - 0.9150
- Haas - 0.9000
- Williams - 0.8950
- Aston Martin - 0.8850
Aero rear:
- Ferrari - 1.0000
- Mercedes - 0.9900
- Red Bull - 0.9800
- Alpine - 0.9550
- Mclaren - 0.9500
- Alfa Romeo - 0.9200
- Alpha Tauri - 0.9200
- Williams - 0.9100
- Haas - 0.9050
- Aston Martin - 0.8800
We can clearly see that Ferrari is the best performer in the corner as it has all the aero values maxed out compared to other cars. Mercedes and Red Bulls are close second and third which is not a surprise to anyone. Aston Martin has the worst performance which is represented by the lowest overall performance.
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